Smart Choice

*Wood & Other Solid Surface Furniture: Breakage of frames, panels, or springs, Breakage of sleeper, recliner, lifting, heating and/or vibrating mechanisms, Failure of integral electrical components, Lifting or incident-specific chipping of veneers or laminates exposing the substrate, Warping, and Loss of silvering on mirrors.
+Wood & Other Solid Surface Furniture: All stains, Punctures, rips, or burns, Liquid marks, rings, or heat marks, Gouges, dents, scratches or chips that penetrate the finish exposing the substrate, Damage caused by nail polish remover, Checking, cracking, bubbling, or peeling of finish caused by a specific incident, Glass or mirror chipping, breakage, or scratches.
*Fabric, Leather, and Vinyl Upholstery: Breakage of frames, panels, or springs, Breakage of sleeper, recliner, lifting, heating and/or vibrating mechanisms, Failure of integral electrical components.
+Fabric and Leather & Vinyl Upholstery, Area Rugs: All stains, including dye bleed and dye transfer onto or into upholstery fabric, leather, or vinyl, Punctures, rips, or burns, Liquid marks, rings, or heat marks, Damage caused by nail polish remover.