Earth Day 2021: When Home Furnishings Go Eco-Friendly

Earth Day graphic with man in blue shirt and pants at cardboard recycling

Here at El Dorado Furniture, we don’t just believe in making your home beautiful. We believe in making our planet beautiful by protecting our environment. 

We’ve made a commitment to being good stewards of our planet and leaving it in better condition than the way we found it. 

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

Earth day graphic with legs in brown dirt with green plants and Trees for the Future logo

Shipping products is a natural part of the shopping cycle. And in 2020, with so many stores closed and stay-at-home orders in place, online shopping numbers skyrocketed for almost all retailers. Being able to shop was a bit of normalcy in the most trying times most of our customers will ever face, and we’re happy to have played our role. 

But we realize that shipping our products can impact our environment, too. And that’s why we’ve teamed up with Green Worldwide Shipping and Trees for the Future. 

For every single shipment we send, one tree is planted.

Planting trees is crucial to reducing our carbon footprint. And just one tree can filter almost 50 pounds of carbon from the air, replacing it with clean oxygen. Reforesting our planet is one of our commitments, and we stay true to it with every shipment we send. 


Earth Day graphic with man in blue shirt and pants with cardboard recycling machine
Man in blue shirt and pants with styrofoam recycling machine in warehouse setting

Recycling is an ingrained habit for many of our customers. Newspapers, cans, and plastics all get put into the recycling bin, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and protecting our natural resources. 

And while we applaud the benefits of recycling at home, we wanted to go bigger. So much bigger, that we actually recycle 98% of our waste in specific categories! 

  • Cardboard: 2.5 million pounds
  • Styrofoam: 260,000 pounds
  • Wood: 120,000 pounds
  • Plastic: 110,000 pounds
  • Paper: 31,200 pounds

Annually, that adds up to over 3 million pounds of recycled products. We’re thrilled to know that we’re protecting our environment with the best eco-practices. 


Earth Day graphic with turtle in ocean with Beautyrest and Seaqual logos

One of the biggest ways in which we can all help our planet is by using sustainable materials, those that don’t deplete our natural resources. We proactively seek out business partners who care as much about our planet as we do. 

One of these partners is Beautyrest. Their luxury mattresses hold a secret: the sustainable fabric they use is spun from plastic bottles. By the end of 2021, their mattresses will have removed over 17 million water bottles from the environment. And our customer testimonials are proof that sustainable practices can coexist with a good night’s sleep!

When you shop at El Dorado, you can be confident that you’re partnering with a company that cares for our planet as much as you do. Together, we are making a difference not just on Earth Day, but every day! 

Earth day graphic with project eco

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